Thursday, October 25, 2012

normal? for me, anyway

so, yeah, I've neglected this blog.

I haven't had much to say.  still get dizzy.  but I'm not in a "dizzy crisis" as those of us in the dizzy world call it.

I'm at a somewhat "normal" stage of dizzy.  it's kind of weird when you think about it.

every day, I have to consider the levels of lights in a room.

every day, I have to be careful about how I turn my head.

every day, I have to be mindful about bending down too quickly, or getting up too quickly.

every day, I have to remember to eat, even though my medications leave me with no appetite.

it's not like these things are earth-shattering or life-threatening.  they are just inconvenient.

the fatigue is draining, though, and wearing  and the constant isolation is depressing.

I want better for myself.  I just don't know how to get there yet.