today, I'm trying something "different."
it's really not different, because I've tried it before, but now I'm trying it again with more knowledge.
I'm going super-low-carb in an effort to control my vertigo. I'm pretty much following Atkins.
this is what I know:
many years ago, while I was engaged to the Evil One, the two of us went on a very low-carb diet, at that time, to lose weight. We both did...a good amount, too. But, what was remarkable was that, at the same time, my overall health improved. smart as I was, I didn't put 2 and 2 together.
see, at the time, I was pretty much bedridden and going to physical therapy to try to learn to walk again after a major vertigo attack. I couldn't do much else except sleep and drink these high-protein shakes. after a few months, my balance got better. I thought it was a miracle.
by the time the Evil One and I got married, I was able to dance at my wedding. then, like two schmucks, we ate like pigs on our honeymoon. I remember collapsing in his cousin's yard. we thought it was from partying a little two hard. now, looking back, I know it was from my system saying, "hey, what are you doing to me??" two weeks after we were married, I suffered a worse vertigo attack than the one I'd had that winter. low-carb to body was in overdrive. I knew none of that then, though. I didn't even know it was vertigo, then. we were still working with the diagnosis of dystonia (and/or "it's all in your head")!
being part of several dizzy/Meniere's/balance disorders support groups has led me to learn that my blood sugar directly affects my balance problems. this is significant information to know. for so many reasons. for example:
1. I should not go without eating. I already know that I am hypoglycemic; I found that out like 20 some-odd years ago. so, since my blood sugar tends to get on the low side all by itself, it does not need help from me not eating properly. that's just plain idiotic.
2. stress does have an effect on my balance disorder. why? because stress affects your adrenals which, in turn, affects your insulin production which, in turn, affects your blood sugar. diabetics, take note...stress affects you, too, in a very similar way!
3. other things I put into my body also affect my balance disorder. one of them is medication. another is cigarettes. one I can't do anything about. the other...well...let me get the diet thing going first and I'll get back to that one. it's hard to give up smoking when you live with a smoker. however, being less dizzy is a good incentive, so...
4. if I lose weight, I will be less dizzy. why? because my body will function more properly; therefore, my organs will work the way they should. also, my hormones will be at a more stable level. so, that brings me back to the topic of today.
I absolutely, positively hate thinking about food. hard to believe, considering my weight, but it's true. the Nurse Practitioner said it is probably due to the medications I take. but, get this, because I actually eat very little, my body holds onto the food I do eat like it's in starvation mode because it doesn't know when it's getting its next food, so, even though I don't actually eat enough to justify my round shape, I maintain it because I have done a fabulous job of messing up my metabolism. that, and the fact that I don't expend enough calories to boot.
so, I also need to exercise more. I'm working on that one, too. it's very hard to stay motivated all alone.
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