Yesterday, I woke up and my head felt like it was being stung by a million fire ants.
Itching like mad. Like it was infested with bugs (it’s not. I checked).
It was absolute torture. And I also had lumps all under the skin on my scalp.
The internet was no help. I didn’t call the doctor because what am I going to say? My head itches?
I tried showering. I use a gentle shampoo bar from Lush which I have been using for months so I figured that would be safe.
I tried changing my sheets. Just in case. I do have pets. My daughter has been sleeping in my bed while hers is broken, though, and she has no itching problem, so it’s most likely not environmental. Still, I have to cover all of the regular bases.
Itching continued all day. All night. My brother-in-law told me to try Benedryl. I hadn’t up until this point because I figured I couldn’t be allergic to anything...there was nothing TO be allergic to. He said it still could help the itching because of something something histamines.
I took Benedryl. Some relief. Some more Benedryl. Went to bed. This morning, the lumps are smaller and there is still itching but maybe not as violent. However, parts of my ears are getting itchy and swollen again. What the actual hell?
As far as the dizziness goes, that waxes and wanes. At times, I can almost walk a straight line. At other times, every step is a chore.
Hey, maybe when this is all resolved, I’ll get a disease named after me? This is really some crazy stuff.
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