Tuesday, March 5, 2013

long time...update

it's been a long time since I've updated this blog.

things were kind of the same for a while, so I guess I didn't have anything to say.  I was going around most days not really dizzy, pretty much avoiding things that would make me dizzy.

day in, day out, I felt like a prisoner of my inner ear.  I still do.

it got to a point where I said enough is enough.

I hadn't been driving for, what 3, 4 years?  it was time.  so I just started.

first it was out of necessity.  a little here and a little there.  my daughter needed a ride to school or a ride back from drama.

then, it suddenly became part of our routine.  ha.

I also got a job. a tiny little part-time job, but a job nonetheless.

I did discover that I can't see at night to drive.  at least not now.  I made an appointment to get my eyes checked out, but I suspect that might be a permanent problem.  I never was a good night driver.

the eye doctor I am going to see also is a neurologist, so hopefully he will understand my balance issues and my convergence issues.  it's always an adventure when I go to a new eye doctor, so I don't know.

on top of this, I've been getting more and more arthritis, and the other day, I suddenly couldn't walk on my ankle.  it got so bad, my partner insisted I go to the ER (I was just going to go to an orthopedist, but she insisted). they didn't see a break, so I'm thinking it's probably part of this arthritis ridiculousness.

at the ER, they prescribed Vicodin and a high dose of Ibuprofen for my ankle.  I've been taking it for a couple of days.  I've been careful to be conservative in how much I take since I already take other meds on a regular basis.  however, I have been getting dizzier than usual, and I can only assume that it is side effects from the medication.  also, I learned that trying to walk on the crutches the hospital gave me was a complete no-go and made me off-balance and spacey as well.

I'm going to an orthopedist the same day as the eye doctor, so we'll see what he has to say.  I feel like I'm falling apart.  just when I'm making a few steps in the right direction, poof, things go to crap. oh well, gotta keep on keeping on.

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