Saturday, March 31, 2012

did you get the number of that truck?

there's no other way to describe what I'm feeling today except to say that I feel like I've been run over by some large vehicle.

several times.  over and over.  damned thing backed up and used me as a speed bump.

if left alone, I could sleep for two days straight.

I feel guilty saying this.

even though I know I have a physical reason for my physical symptoms.

I know why I feel this way.

it's because I don't hold a job.  and I don't run around outside of the house.

so, when I say I'm tired, I feel guilty.

it doesn't help when I'm reminded of all the things I don't do.

consciously, or unconsciously, it happens.

so, I'm trying to push myself.

it's counter-intuitive.  what I should be doing is resting.

but I can't handle the guilt.

maybe if I do a few things it will be less.

Friday, March 30, 2012

driver's seat

yeah, I drove yesterday.  because I felt like it.

it was time for my appointment and Stacy was sleeping, and I tried to wake her up, but she kept sleeping, so I got the keys and got into the car and drove myself to balance therapy.

it wasn't so bad.  I still know how to do it.

look, last time I didn't drive for SIX YEARS and then got behind the wheel and went.  so this was nothing.

Ed, my therapist was a little shocked.  he is not a fan of me driving.  but then he conceded that it is probably just as difficult to be a passenger (for a vestibular patient) as it is to be a driver.  if not more so.  helllooooo!

when I got back, Stacy was still in bed.  however, later on, she told me that she was quite upset with me. she wants me to be safe.  she knows that balance therapy can be difficult on me.  Ed took it easy on me, by the way, knowing that I drove, and I waited afterward just to be sure.

I was fine.  I plan to continue driving.  it's something I have to do as long as I can, of course.

I'm not an idiot.  I know when I can and when I can't.  yesterday, I could and, obviously, I did.

I have to keep on believing I've got guts.  otherwise, I'll shrivel up in a corner and die somewhere.

that's not to say I'm going to go do stupid stuff.  but I've got to take chances, believe, do, feel, risk.

I'm too young to say this is it.

my kids deserve better.  I deserve better.

so, if right now, that means drive a car, I will drive a car.

who knows what that will mean tomorrow?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

working my eyes

I had my first session of vision therapy yesterday.

I'm not sure how I feel about it.

it's weird.  it's hard.  it's fun.  it's frustrating.

the doctor asks me if I see things in 3D.  I'm not sure if I do or not.

my crossed eye has fascinated eye doctors for years.  why?  it's just a weird-looking eye.  yet, every time doctors see it, they want to play with it.  they want to see if I can see this or that.  if I have single binocular vision (I do not).  how my depth perception is (horrible).  if both eyes can see (yes).

who knew that something so annoying and inconvenient and ugly as a crossed eye could be so interesting?

(I've had people tell me it's attractive, if you could believe that!  I don't get it, either...)

I look at lights and letters and numbers and beads.

one eye covered.  both eyes together.  with prisms.  with 3D glasses.

he brought up surgery again.  I listened with 1/8th of an ear.  not really interested.  he said it wouldn't be to straighten my eye all the way, anyway, but just some of the way.  so, um, no.

I got exercises to do at home.  and a nifty clip-on patch for my glasses.

recovering is hard work.  I feel like it's going to take forever.  for something that may happen.

guess it's better than not doing anything, though.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

my modified life

so, I wanted a job...

ask the Universe, the Universe shall give.

yesterday, I received a response to one of my job inquiries about a virtual teaching job.

I know I am quite qualified for this job.  I have taught my own classes before.

some really tough kids.  and others, too.  I've been asked back by two school districts after doing leave replacements, so I know I've done a good job in the past.  parents also liked me.  so did the kids.

I've done well on interviews in the past, too.  some have lasted a long time because we talked like we were old friends.

yet yesterday, I was nervous as hell.  I felt like I couldn't remember anything.  I kept apologizing to the woman. it was stupid.

I have years of experience.  I know so much.  yet I can't get it from my head to my mouth.  I hate this.


apparently, I said enough intelligent things to pass the interview because I was offered the job.  naturally, I took it.

the pay is decent.  of course, I still won't be leaving my house, still won't be interacting with anyone else but the kids I see on my computer screen, still won't be driving.

but I'll be making a difference, finally.

financially, educationally, morally, intellectually.

it's a start.

Monday, March 19, 2012

trying to 'break free"

I've been feeling restless lately.

maybe it's the unusually warm winter, or my medication (or lack thereof), which has been making me feel better mentally as well as physically, or maybe it's the balance therapy, or maybe it's a combination of some or all of these things, but I've been feeling like it's time to move on to the next "thing," whatever that may be.

so I've been entertaining the idea of going back to work.

I never have stopped "looking" for work, but I never respond to help wanted ads.  I still don't.  not yet.  but I have started looking more closely, trying to match my skills and location and such.

some days I feel more ready than others.

I was feeling pretty good about this decision this week, in fact.  very much so.  I began talking about it with family and friends.  I got a lot of pep talks and advice.  start slow, work part-time, you can do anything you set your mind to, you've done this before...

I have come back from worse, much worse.  my vertigo attacks have left me unable to walk, barely able to breathe, hardly able to think.

I'm not there.  I'm here.  walking, breathing, thinking.

bring on the job, then, right?

I don't know.

because then something so simple as a trip to Lowe's home improvement store makes me doubt all that.

I went there today with my girlfriend to look at patio furniture.  I was in there maybe 10 minutes when I look up one of the huge shelves for cushions and the dizziness starts.

I try to ignore it and go about my business.  even after my partner points it out.  I tell her that I need to try to deal with busy environments.

we keep shopping, but there is no relief from the lights, the movement, the stimulation of the store.  my head keeps buzzing and I start to feel overheated.  I stumble around some.

I don't want to leave even though I am swaying.  I'm tired of my prison at home.  Eventually, though, it becomes too much and we leave.

Stacy can't resist asking, "part-time job, right?"  really?  as if I weren't disgusted enough.

I'm thoughtful the rest of the day.  thoughtful as in disappointed.  I feel like I'm chained to the house.  whenever I leave it, I get over-stimulated and dizzy.  How will I ever get back to a normal life?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


yesterday, I worked a lot on VOR exercises (vestibulo-ocular reflex) in therapy.  they are, basically, the ones to stimulate the vestibular system in order for me to do everyday things.  for example, walking down a hallway while turning my head to simulate, well, walking anywhere while turning my head, but this is exaggerated and done over and over again.  I think I walked down the same hallway yesterday 20 times looking up, down, side-to-side and diagonally.  some of the motions made me more dizzy than others.  usually the up-and-down seems to get me.

I read in someone else's blog about something called cervical vertigo.  basically, this is vertigo caused by a compression of the nerves in your neck.  it got me wondering if this is, possibly, the cause of my vertigo.  I have been in physical therapy several times before for arthritis and this can be one of the causes.  also, I seem to have vertigo more when I move my head in certain positions than in others.  I don't know.  something to keep in my back pocket...

anyway, I did other VOR exercises, too, including my torturous B, and others, like standing on a rocking board and on a cushion.  I do all of these pretty well, now.  it's afterward that I may or may not have a problem.  still.  but this is progress, they tell me.  I'm doing better than when I started.  my little voice still wonders if I am just "over" my spell of vertigo for now and will it come back, or is this true progress?  it's scary.  because then things happen like the following:

I go on the treadmill, as I have been doing for weeks.  I'm with a different therapist (the one I was "short" with a while back, but it was all good), so she has her own way of working with me.  she has me gradually work up to the speed she wants me to walk at.  1.3, no problem.  1.5, trotting along.  1.7 this is cake.  then she hits 1.9.  this is still slower than the speed I usually walk at but for some reason, the machine starts making a weird grinding noise that my body cannot handle.  immediately, I go into "overload mode."  my eyes close of the own free will, my face grimaces (it's ugly, too), my muscles start contorting.  I start holding my breath involuntarily.  I am still walking the treadmill, but I start wondering if I am going to pass out right there.  my normal therapist sees this and asks if I am all right.  I find I can't exactly form words to answer her, just parts of words, but I am able to convey to her that I am not exactly "all right."  she reminds me to breathe and focus and comes over to lower the speed on the treadmill.  as soon as she does, the noise goes away and my body immediately relaxes.  an assistant is with her.  Stacy (my therapist) asks again if I am all right and I tell her that the machine was making a weird noise.  before I can say anything, the assistant asks me, "oh, you were afraid of it?" in a kind of nurturing, yet condescending voice.  What?

Stacy had  to go back to work with her patient a moment, and the assistant had gone with her.  I was alone on the treadmill, inwardly shaking my head (had I actually shook my head, I'd have been quite dizzy).  did she actually say that?  it was just a bizarre question...

when Stacy came back to check on me, I had to tell her, "I'm better now.  the sound apparently set me off or something.  she," making crazy eyes at the assistant, "thought I was afraid of the noise."  

while Stacy and Lauren (the therapist I am working with) talked about how the machine probably needs to be serviced, and that's where the noise came from, I didn't get the validation I had hoped for, like, "wow, what a crazy-assed, stupid, ignorant, uninformed, jerky, dumbass response to someone who has neurological responses to vertigo! I'm sorry you had to deal with that.  I'll let her know."  or something to that effect.

maybe I'm a little sensitive.  

maybe it's just that from working with and for people my whole life, I am hyper-aware of what comes out of my mouth at all times when dealing with people at all times.  I remember that they all have a story, a life, feelings, a family.  I don't know why, at this stage of my life, I am still shocked and amazed when other people don't.

and this was nothing.  seriously, nothing.  I know it was nothing.  she was just an idiot.  ok, not an idiot, she just was clueless.  

but, it's the tip of something much, much bigger that I have been holding onto and I am damned near ready to burst.

another post...perhaps another blog...

Friday, March 9, 2012

my eyes and the problems they cause me

my vision therapy evaluation, such as it was, has came and gone.

I guess you can gather from that statement that it was quite short.  far shorter than I thought it would be.  initially, they told me that they set aside 3 days for the exam; two days for the testing and a third day for the doctor to go over the results.

they didn't count on me.  always the exception.  great.

sometimes it's a good thing to be done with tests quickly.  this was not one of these times.

the evaluator was simply unable to perform more than two or three tests with me.  why?  the tests require one to have the ability to see in 3-D.  because I have the crossed eye, I simply lack this ability.  completely.  I've never been able to "enjoy" a 3-D book or movie.  no biggie.  it's not like a handicap or anything.  it does impact my vision in other ways, like depth perception (learning parallel parking was a nightmare!), but, still, this is not a big deal in my life.  since I was born this way, my brain has learned to compensate and I move about in my flat little world.

however, it did bring the testing to a screeching halt.  so, day one of testing was compacted into about 30 minutes.  day two of testing turned into me talking to the doctor about day one and playing around a little bit with some prisms.  there was no need for day three.

so, the doctor basically told me that I have three options as far as vision therapy goes.  option one is to get surgery to fix my eye.  he doesn't do that, but he could recommend someone who does.  then, I would get therapy to go along with the surgery.  I wasn't too keen on option one.  I like my eye.  I don't want to take chances with my eyesight.  I don't know anyone who had success with this.  In fact, I know people who had this surgery and had their eyes be worse off afterwards.  I just read this article about the surgery and my stomach has not stopped lurching since (and this is just the facts, not any horror stories whatsoever):
Eye muscle repair So, I think option one is out.  I've lived with a crossed eye for 44 years.  I think I can live with it for another 44-whatever.

option two is to do nothing at all.  I kind of feel that this is not an option, either.  very often, I find myself hitting walls in balance therapy (not literally!) because the therapists are telling me that certain things I need to work on fall under the auspices of vision therapy.  ok, vision therapist, therapize me!

option three, then, is to come to him for vision therapy.  and that means many things.  working with prisms to try to straighten the eye (if we decide to go that route).  I did tell the doctor that, while it would be nice to learn to park without hitting other cars and objects and to go through fast food drive-ins without taking my side mirrors off (ok, so I haven't completely learned to compensate with my lack of depth perception!), correcting my crossed eye isn't as important to me as addressing the real reason I came to him in the first place; to desensitize me from the things that make me dizzy.  flashing lights.  sudden objects in my visual field.  busy stimulating environments.  can he help fix those?  it was a little difficult to get him on track there, but he seemed to be saying yes, he could.  I mean, he was the guy my neurologist referred me to in the first place.  I have to believe he can help.  he's the "eye guy..."

he sent me home with some insurance paperwork to sign and return and had me talk to the therapist to set up my first appointment after I confirmed that my insurance covered his services.  I have to admit a feeling of leeriness.  it's a money thing, and I hope he knows what he is doing.  something just feels...odd...maybe it's just change.  I do have a hard time trusting people.  I guess I'll give it a go and see what happens.  first appointment in a few weeks.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

strength training and inner strength

so now my balance therapy has branched out.

when I go for my vestibular exercise, I get strength training.  it's way harder than I thought it would be.

I squat, I lift dumbbells, I use weight machines, I do resistance exercises.

I need this stuff.

I'm glad I made the decision to ask for this.  even when I am sore.

I'm also glad I made the decision to do this at the same place where I get my balance therapy, even though the orthopedist told me to go to a facility that specializes in arthritis.

fact is, I get dizzy when I work out.  so we have to deal with that.  the other place may or may not have been equipped for that.  besides, doesn't it make sense to have the same therapist track your progress?  and, since my neurologist is treating both my fibromyalgia and my vestibular dysfunction, he can prescribe as much physical therapy as I need.  not have me running all over the place.

when I'm lucky, I also get heat treatments, too.  I say "lucky" because only one therapist seems to give them to me.  not sure why.  I'm not the kind to ask for stuff like that.  I know I'm the patient, and it's my treatment, so I shouldn't feel that way.  but I do.  I feel that it is a luxury, like someone getting a poolside massage.  stupid, I know.

I feel this way about every aspect of my treatment lately...that I am on an extended vacation.  and I know why.

my girlfriend calls it, "people taking my inventory."  everybody does it.  I'm sick of it.  for example, my 9-year-old ASKING ME WHAT I DO ALL DAY!  (seriously??)

I've already mentioned my mom.  she goes in spurts. I'm just waiting til the next one.

I'm the worst offender, though.  because I know I'm not doing as much as I should.  as much as I want to be doing.  and then other people's criticisms ring in my ears and I'm paralyzed.  a self-fulfilling prophecy. I'm trying to work on it in talk therapy, but, until I come to some conclusion, health-wise, I don't know how far I will come.

it is hard for me to make a life for myself at home.  harder still when I get dizzy doing things that used to make me happy, like dancing, or taking long walks or driving.

I'm trying to push myself to do the things I used to do, because I'm unwilling to give up at 44 years old.  I used to live in a black hole.  I'll be damned if I'm falling back inside of there.

yes, for my kids, always for my kids, but for once, a tiny part of me says for ME, too.  (I can't tell you how my stomach churns when I think it...but I'm trying to believe it, anyway)

so, after I write this, I WILL get off the couch and practice SOMETHING.  some b's.  some squats.  play on the Wii.  I MUST motivate myself to move and, as much as I think I can't, I MUST move my head around.  I KNOW it will make me dizzy.  that is the point.  make myself a little dizzy each day and maybe I will be less dizzy someday...