Monday, March 19, 2012

trying to 'break free"

I've been feeling restless lately.

maybe it's the unusually warm winter, or my medication (or lack thereof), which has been making me feel better mentally as well as physically, or maybe it's the balance therapy, or maybe it's a combination of some or all of these things, but I've been feeling like it's time to move on to the next "thing," whatever that may be.

so I've been entertaining the idea of going back to work.

I never have stopped "looking" for work, but I never respond to help wanted ads.  I still don't.  not yet.  but I have started looking more closely, trying to match my skills and location and such.

some days I feel more ready than others.

I was feeling pretty good about this decision this week, in fact.  very much so.  I began talking about it with family and friends.  I got a lot of pep talks and advice.  start slow, work part-time, you can do anything you set your mind to, you've done this before...

I have come back from worse, much worse.  my vertigo attacks have left me unable to walk, barely able to breathe, hardly able to think.

I'm not there.  I'm here.  walking, breathing, thinking.

bring on the job, then, right?

I don't know.

because then something so simple as a trip to Lowe's home improvement store makes me doubt all that.

I went there today with my girlfriend to look at patio furniture.  I was in there maybe 10 minutes when I look up one of the huge shelves for cushions and the dizziness starts.

I try to ignore it and go about my business.  even after my partner points it out.  I tell her that I need to try to deal with busy environments.

we keep shopping, but there is no relief from the lights, the movement, the stimulation of the store.  my head keeps buzzing and I start to feel overheated.  I stumble around some.

I don't want to leave even though I am swaying.  I'm tired of my prison at home.  Eventually, though, it becomes too much and we leave.

Stacy can't resist asking, "part-time job, right?"  really?  as if I weren't disgusted enough.

I'm thoughtful the rest of the day.  thoughtful as in disappointed.  I feel like I'm chained to the house.  whenever I leave it, I get over-stimulated and dizzy.  How will I ever get back to a normal life?

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