yeah, I drove yesterday. because I felt like it.
it was time for my appointment and Stacy was sleeping, and I tried to wake her up, but she kept sleeping, so I got the keys and got into the car and drove myself to balance therapy.
it wasn't so bad. I still know how to do it.
look, last time I didn't drive for SIX YEARS and then got behind the wheel and went. so this was nothing.
Ed, my therapist was a little shocked. he is not a fan of me driving. but then he conceded that it is probably just as difficult to be a passenger (for a vestibular patient) as it is to be a driver. if not more so. helllooooo!
when I got back, Stacy was still in bed. however, later on, she told me that she was quite upset with me. she wants me to be safe. she knows that balance therapy can be difficult on me. Ed took it easy on me, by the way, knowing that I drove, and I waited afterward just to be sure.
I was fine. I plan to continue driving. it's something I have to do as long as I can, of course.
I'm not an idiot. I know when I can and when I can't. yesterday, I could and, obviously, I did.
I have to keep on believing I've got guts. otherwise, I'll shrivel up in a corner and die somewhere.
that's not to say I'm going to go do stupid stuff. but I've got to take chances, believe, do, feel, risk.
I'm too young to say this is it.
my kids deserve better. I deserve better.
so, if right now, that means drive a car, I will drive a car.
who knows what that will mean tomorrow?
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