Friday, August 3, 2012

on driving

I've got an experiment for you all.

when you meet new people, tell them  you don't drive.

see how they react.

or, better yet, try to apply for a job.

maybe this is just a Long Island thing?  it must be.

I imagine this would not be as much of an issue in, say, New York City, or some place similar.

so, let me back up a little.

I'm still not driving.  should I be?  my girlfriend is adamant that I should not.

she is afraid that I will have an accident.

even though I have managed in the past.

to say I'm frustrated is an understatement.

her anxiety over it gives ME anxiety then.

so...I continue to sit at home every day and do pretty much nothing.

almost every job I look into requires driving.  some make no sense (human resources??)

I have been trying like mad to find work-at-home jobs.  there isn't much.

the driving thing, though...

I feel the longer I don't drive, the harder it will be.

I mean, I once went six years and then was able to drive again.  but I don't want to do that again.

I am way too young to just be a passenger.

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