I haven't written in a while. Things have been pretty much hectic yet boring at the same time.
The hectic part came with getting my daughter ready for Prom and Graduation. It came and went.
The boring part is, well, every other day. But I'm working on it.
Now that the warm weather is here, I've had a little more energy, so I've been inspired to do a little more to better my situation.
For one, I've decided to become a support parent with Parent to Parent of New York State, an organization that exists basically to put parents of special needs individuals in touch with one another for support and so we can help each other find services, learn to advocate for our kids, things of that nature. I have wanted to do something like this for a long time. I just didn't know how.
For another, I re-did my resume and I now have an interview next week. Shhh! I haven't told many people yet! It's actually not in my normal field, but I've done this type of work before. It's been too long and I need to be productive and with people and out of the house.
I take little jabs at creativity, too. Eh. Not so good so far.
What I really need to do is exercise. I feel myself getting out of shape. Badly! I told Stacy I want a treadmill since I know I won't go on walks. I've gone on exactly 2 this summer. I think I just need to find a good deal on a treadmill on craigslist, set it up, and be done with it.
What I also need to do is write more. And read more. Or my brain will rot. I have been playing games to try to stimulate it, but that's not the same thing. I am amazed at how short my attention span has gotten being home alone all day.
I'm still on the fence about driving. I think I have psyched myself up a little that I can't now, between the physical therapists saying I shouldn't, Stacy being afraid of me driving and me living in an unfamiliar place. I've got to just swallow that fear and do it. Or decide if I really shouldn't.
So, this is all that goes on with me. A lot of neurosis. A lot of nothing. I didn't even mention the constant barraging from "certain people." Yeah, the same "certain person." She is who she is. Hmmm, wonder where the neurosis comes from?
Oh, I went to physical therapy for my neck. Can I just say holy cow, when a person with fibromyalgia gets a massage it hurts like hell! I may not be able to continue to go for PT because I may have used up all of my therapy for balance. They are supposed to look into that and let me know.
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