Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Carving Out a Life for Myself

I have had to make some adjustments in my lifestyle.

I tried driving; at this moment, I get nauseous and dizzy if I am in the car too long.

I tried getting jobs; it seems almost anything I try makes me dizzy and exhausted.

It's stupid, really.

It's not like I have some ominous disease. Yet the vestibular issues combined with fibromyalgia make my life difficult.

So, I have been trying to work around them.

I stay out of the car when at all possible.

And now, I have been working a lot from home.

I do online tutoring and freelance writing.

I work very hard for my money. I just do it in my bedroom (wow, that sounds bad!).

I will go to the neuro on Friday to talk about the motion sickness. However, I don't think there is much they can do.

The one thing I miss is socializing.

I need to find some online communities that I can call home.

Facebook ain't it.

I don't have anything against Facebook; I just feel like I am outside of everybody's world there. I guess because mostly all of my Facebook friends have actual lives.

I will figure this part of my life out, though. I managed to figure out the job part.

Eventually, I will have something close to a life.

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