Saturday, June 1, 2013

Perhaps it IS all in my head...

Guess you can tell I just had another conversation with Mom.

"You know, Karin, your motion sickness and dizziness in the car is probably anxiety about driving."

(because, you know, she suffered from panic attacks when she was younger. so that MUST be it. never mind the fact that I had a job where I drove all over the county and had NO problems then. and I used to work in a school that was a 25-minute (easy) drive away from my house when I lived in South Carolina. AND I have driven a 15-passenger van. CLEARLY I am anxious about driving!)

"You know, if you try you can overcome this."

(overcome WHAT? a physical condition that I am suffering from? MAYBE if she tries really hard, she can see out of her blind eye? I mean, if it could work for me, it could work for her!)

"Because you know, not driving is SUCH a disadvantage!"

(what do you even say to that? that I am less of a person because I don't drive much? I don't know, when someone gets dizzy in a moving car, PERHAPS driving is not the best idea. HOWEVER, I am a smart and resourceful person. I can figure out what to do to get where I need to go.)

Just for the record, I don't get in the car expecting to get sick or dizzy. I get in the car with my destination in mind. I don't worry about it, I just go, as a passenger OR a driver. It just happens. Sometimes, not every time.

But enough of that stupidity. I had a visit with the neurological nurse practitioner last week. First of all, SHE took my symptoms seriously. She told me it is COMMON for people with my condition to have these issues.

She prescribed Neurontin for me to try. So I am trying it. Guess what? I went in the car a few times and realized LATER that it helps! As a passenger, at least. I think I drove once locally since then and that was ok, too. I haven't tried a long trip yet.

ALSO, she told me that the nature of my illness comes from an issue with my brain stem. I have NO idea what that means. So I looked it up.

I don't know if they are calling my condition migraine-related vertigo (which is in the brain stem) because I DO have migraines, OR if there was something else that messed with my brain stem. Like a stroke. Because, you know, when I first got sick, it came on suddenly AND I had problems swallowing AND I couldn't walk.

<shrug> sounds like it's something, though. And it IS in my head, right?

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