Tuesday, March 27, 2012

working my eyes

I had my first session of vision therapy yesterday.

I'm not sure how I feel about it.

it's weird.  it's hard.  it's fun.  it's frustrating.

the doctor asks me if I see things in 3D.  I'm not sure if I do or not.

my crossed eye has fascinated eye doctors for years.  why?  it's just a weird-looking eye.  yet, every time doctors see it, they want to play with it.  they want to see if I can see this or that.  if I have single binocular vision (I do not).  how my depth perception is (horrible).  if both eyes can see (yes).

who knew that something so annoying and inconvenient and ugly as a crossed eye could be so interesting?

(I've had people tell me it's attractive, if you could believe that!  I don't get it, either...)

I look at lights and letters and numbers and beads.

one eye covered.  both eyes together.  with prisms.  with 3D glasses.

he brought up surgery again.  I listened with 1/8th of an ear.  not really interested.  he said it wouldn't be to straighten my eye all the way, anyway, but just some of the way.  so, um, no.

I got exercises to do at home.  and a nifty clip-on patch for my glasses.

recovering is hard work.  I feel like it's going to take forever.  for something that may happen.

guess it's better than not doing anything, though.

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