Saturday, August 17, 2019

So at the ER

I went to the ER. It did not go as I had hoped.

The doctor acknowledged the swelling in my neck and my swollen lymph nodes and decided I have an infection.

According to him, it’s a “coincidental” illness. It has nothing to do with everything that has been happening with me.

I tried to explain that ALL OF THIS STARTED WHEN MY EARS WERE INFLAMED AND ITCHY a couple of weeks ago, and the assistant who was in the room with him said, “oh now it was your ears, too?” Which the doctor was actually able to also acknowledge swelling and redness on.

I was so frustrated. But they said to me clearly, “don’t expect to get answers here tonight.”

At a hospital. Silly me.

So they sent me home with antibiotics and told me to take Benedryl (which I have already been doing with little relief).

I am not up for this level of uncertainty again.

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